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Kobla takes privacy seriously .

The processing of personal data is subject to the current Personal Data Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).Our internal routines for processing personal data are in accordance with the Personal Data Act. This means that requirements for information security and internal control are met. 

Kobla is designed in a way that information about where you have been never leaves your phone. Registered trips are converted from location information to aggregated value. The location information is encrypted and stored on your phone. The weather type and time usage are the only thing that is reported to Kobla’s server – when and if you choose to log in. This limited information is collected to be able to calculate Bonus Points in the app. 

According to the Personal Data Act, you have the right to access the information stored about you. You can also demand that information about you, if incorrect, will be corrected. You can do this by contacting 

All the personal information you provide to us is stored securely and treated confidentially. The only information we have access to regarding privacy is your email address and name. 

What is my email address used for??

The e-mail address is used for identification, login and communication with the user when logging in for the first time.   

What is my name used for?  

Your name, or what you choose to call yourself, is used for identification to participate in the leaderboards and other types of competitions. If you do not want to share your name, it is also possible to use a pseudonym, but it will affect whether you have the opportunity to redeem prizes if you do not provide a name.   

“My Places” is only stored locally on your phone, NOT in any cloud or server.

You can also demand that all information about you should be deleted. You have the option to delete information by using the “Delete me” function in the app.  

 Read more about Data privacy here



Do I have to press record in the app to start recording my trips?

Kobla registers trips without you having to do anything. The app detects location changes and starts recording your trip.  


Do I have to register and report every single trip within a day?

You can choose whether you want to register the trip or not. In the app, you can choose whether you want the trips to be registered automatically, or whether you want to register the trips manually. If you select manually, your journeys will be ready locally on the phone so that you can register those you want, or not register if desired. You will still have the opportunity to check information about your trip if you do not register.  


Does the phone need to be connected to the internet for the app to work?

No. The Location detection will detect if you are moving from one location to another without being connected to the internet. This is because the app is not connected to servers that need information about you at all times, and therefore does not depend on internet connection. The only thing that needs to be enabled from before is  the GPS. 

More than one car - How do I change to the car I am driving?

By manually registering trips, you have the opportunity to change the mode of travel and vehicle. Once you are on the home page of the app, swipe to the right to find your recent trips. Then press change on this trip.  

I can't find my municipality?

If your municipality is not among the alternatives, it is because the municipality has not purchased access to the app for its residents yet. We are constantly working to get new municipalities to activate the Kobla app for their municipality.  



For the app to work optimally, it is important that  «battery optimization for Kobla» is turned OFF. The app shuts off in battery saving mode, because the phone limits the battery usage for GPS. 



Location Services needs to be activated for the app to work.  The app shuts off in battery saving mode, because the phone limits the battery usage for GPS.


For the municipality

Can Kobla be used to give feedback to the municipality?

Yes. Kobla has an add-on module for this.
From the Kobla app you can send a picture and a small note to the municipality, 
e.g. «a tree has fallen across the road.” Image, text and position will then be reported directly from the app. 

What kind of measures can municipalities integrate Kobla with?

In the Kobla app, you have the opportunity to integrate municipal strategies in different focus areas in the municipality. Kobla contains modules that can be used as measures within public health, urban development, mobility and micro-mobility and environmental measures.